Facts for Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure

Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure

Renal failure is resultant of many other disorders in the body and to cure this disease first of all the history of the patient is important.


History of the patient reveals about the state of the patient and state of the disease in the body, it includes family history, medical and personal history. With this information, the physician is able to make a proper diagnosis of the disease.


Family history of any disease Diabetes, Hypertension, Coronary artery disease reveals the occurrence of the diseases and symptoms in the patients from family.  These disorders can be categorized as Genetic or Hereditary disorders. These diseases get passed from generation to generation, so giving your doctor your family history is important.

Personal History

If a patient is taking tobacco, smoking, drugs, alcohol, any kind of addiction. Whether taking these things currently or for a long time. It reflects the physical as well as a psychological condition of the patient.

Past History

If the Patient is consuming any kind of medication for any diseases or if any surgery is done in the past, any type of medication in continuation, 5-6 months back or long is important. Your physician should not miss the same, viz. Continuous use of Pain killers can also lead to kidney failure.

Present Complaints

When a patient goes to a physician, discussing current symptoms along with the history is important. Whether the patient feels any kind of uneasiness in body, difficulty in any body part, indigestion, breathlessness, unable to walk or unable to speak, etc. Even the minor complaints are important to assess the disease and plan treatment. These complaints may help the physician to reach a perfect diagnosis. Don’t ignore any simple complaint as an occasional headache even. Please do communicate with your doctor.

Chief Complaints

What chief complaint the patient is complaining about we need to know. A few symptoms like continuous and persisting pain in the abdomen, frequent micturition for one week, numbness in lower limbs, etc. should not be missed.

Making an Ayurveda Diagnosis is Important

From the Ayurvedic point of view what is the diagnosis of the disease, knowing about it is equally important as the treatment of the disease.

Physical examination of the Patient

Physical examination is a very important factor to reach the diagnosis of a disease. It includes the following :

  • Inspection of the patient.
  • Palpation and Interrogation to the patient.
  • Pedal edema
  • Tongue examination
  • Pulse examination (for OPD patients only)

Investigations – Medical Investigations are important to make a proper diagnosis. Laboratory investigations as well as another diagnostic tests like USG, CT, MRI, etc. In Kidney failure Urea, Creatinine, Uric acid, Sodium, Potassium levels are de-arranged. You may find the only proteinuria in the initial stages of the disease.

For Ayurvedic treatment for kidney failure, we would require the following details:

For patients who are not on dialysis, we require the following information-

  • Blood Urea, Creatinine
  • Lipid Profile, CBC, Thyroid Profile, Liver function Test
  • For Diabetic Patients we require-
  • All blood reports stated above along with
  • HbA1c levels, Serum Insulin, Urine routine examination
  • For dialysis patients we require –
  • Before dialysis weight
  • After dialysis weight

This will help to assess weight gain between the two consecutive dialysis sessions. We might be able to reduce the frequency of dialysis in the near future. Weight gained means the amount of water collected in our belly as kidney is not able to make enough amount of urine. With ayurvedic medicine for kidney, failure kidneys will start filtering blood and urine output will increase & the patient will observe negligible weight gain before dialysis.

Before dialysis Urea & Creatinine– This is a remarkable test without which kidney function can’t be determined. Pre dialysis Urea & Creatinine will decrease with our Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure.

Urine Output in 24 hours tells about the current scenario of the patient’s kidneys whether the kidney is able to perform its function of filtration.

Recent Ultrasound- It will clearly depict the kidney size if any shrinkage is there. It will help to analyze patient conditions much better and how much time needed to recover. Patients with kidney size 10 cm will recover early than a patient with a kidney size of 7 cm. Kidneys do shrink when they don’t work that’s the universal law.

For all patients, we also require the tongue’s image to assess the dosha imbalance and,  Accordingly, we advise Ayurvedic Medicine. This is an important feature where we use technology which helps a doctor to prescribe right medicines.

Causes of the Kidney Disease According to Ayurveda

Excessive Exercise, Bitter drugs, Dry nature food, Excessive alcohol, too much traveling, excess Meat intake, Indigestion, etc.

Pathogenesis of Kidney disease

Due to the above causes ‘Doshas’ becomes imbalanced. These Doshas in their vitiated state separately or collectively reaches to the Kidneys (called as Sathan sansharaya -doshas collecting in particular area) and start producing the symptoms in patient as Pain in the lower abdomen, Less micturition, Swelling in the body and thus causing the disease.

Symptoms in Kidney failure

A common symptom is less and sometimes painful micturition.

This is caused by all three Doshas (Tridoshaj Vikar)

If any Dosha is more vitiated then the patient will experience following symptoms accordingly:

  • In Vataj disease  – There is Pain in lower Abdomen, Frequent and Less micturition.
  • In Pittaj  disease – Burning lower abdomen, Frequent micturition, Red and Yellow colored urine
  • In Kaphaj  disease -Heaviness in the lower abdomen, Inflammation, Whitish and Greasy/oily urine(ketosis)


  • Removing the cause is the main motive
  • Panchakarma treatments- Massage, Oleation Therapy, Hot Fomentation, Medicated Enemas according to Dosha imbalance.

For patients who can stay at our place, we plan Panchakarma treatment which helps in reducing Creatinine & cleansing of intestines.

  • Ayurvedic Drugs for Kidney failure
  • KIDNEY CARE KADHA (herbal decoction), PUNNARNAV PLUS (Punnarva), NEPHRO-ACTIVE PLUS (Tribulus)
  • Diuretics

K Stone Capsules

Important Things to Be Included In Diet

  • Grains-  Type of rice according to season such as Red rice, Brown rice, Old rice
  • Pulses-Split green gram soup (Moong)
  • Fruits-Watermelon, Dates, Coconut, Emblica( Amla)
  • Vegetables- Sweet gourd (Petha), Cucumber, Amaranthus (Chaulai)
  • Fats- Clarified butter (ghee),  Certain meats,
  • Drinks- Buttermilk, Cowmilk
  • Sweets- Jaggery powder


Food- Dry nature food which produces dryness effect in the body e.g. barley, food in improper combination such as fish and milk taking together

  • Pulses-Split red gram (Urad)
  • Fruits- All citrus fruits, Pan (betel quid)
  • Fats-Fish, no butter/cream
  • Drinks-Alcohol
  • Activities- working more, sex, travelling more

Note: We at <strongDr. Aggarwal’s Ayurvedic Panchakarma & Research Centre take detail history of patient accordingly plan individual treatment also provides Ayurvedic Treatment for kidney failure, ayurvedic treatment for cancer, ayurvedic treatment for diabetes, ayurvedic treatment for stress without any side effects.

Home Remedy for Increasing Urination

  • Ferula assa-foetida( Hing) application on the Lower abdomen, Massage with Narayan oil after this.
  • Massage in Lower Abdomen with different Medicated Oils like Mahanarayan oil, Saindhavadi oil, Mahamarichadi oil will help in urination.

For More details you can share medical reports with us, Doctor consultations are Free. 

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why to choose ayurvedic treatment from India

Why to Choose Ayurvedic Treatment from India

Ayurveda is one of the oldest & pranic systems of medicine, which works to balance the body’s life energies, referred to as the doshas. ‘Prana‘ is the Sanskrit word for life force.

Ayurvedic Treatment is one of the Traditional Holistic Healing methods which has roots in the Indian subcontinent. It is based on the trust that health and Well-being depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and soul.

The history & main classical Ayurveda texts begin with the transmission of medical knowledge from God to intermediates and then to human physicians. In the available textbooks like ‘Charak Samhita’ it is written that Lord Dhanwantry (Ayurveda God) taught Ayurvedic medicine knowledge to Charaka & group of physicians including Charaka.

Charaka is believed to have flourished in the sixth century B.C. The same wise text is also available in ‘Sushruta’. In Ayurveda, tridosha theory has been described. In this Medicine, dosha balance is emphasized, and a lot of information and guidance is also given for maintaining harmony/samyavasatha.

Lots more has been written on lifestyle improvement & suppressing natural urges which is considered unhealthy and claimed to cause a lot of illness. In Ayurveda medicine world, eight components exist & is known as ‘Astang Ayurveda’ means “the medicine that has eight components” (Skt. चिकित्सायामष्टाङ्गायाम् cikitsāyām aṣṭāṅgāyāṃ).

It is first found in the Sanskrit epic the Mahābhārata, ca 4th century BCE. The components are: • General medicine, medicine of the body, Kāyachikitsā • The treatment of children, pediatrics, Kaumāra-bhṛtya • Surgical techniques and the extraction of foreign objects, Śalyatantra • Treatment of ailments affecting ears, eyes, nose, mouth, etc. (“ENT”)- Śhālākyatantra • Pacification of possessing spirits, and the people whose minds are affected by such possession- Bhūtavidya • Toxicology- Agadatantra • Rejuvenation and tonics for increasing lifespan, intellect and strength- Rasāyantantra • Aphrodisiacs and treatments for increasing the volume and viability of semen and sexual pleasure. Vājīkaraṇatantra Diagnosis in Ayurveda Ayurveda has eight ways to diagnose illness, called as pulse (Nadi) , Urine (Mootra), stool(Mal), tongue (Jihva), speech (Shabda), touch (Sparsha), vision (Druk), and appearance (Aakruti). Ayurvedic practitioners approach diagnosis by using the five senses. For example, hearing is used to observe the condition of breathing and speech.

The study of the lethal points or marman marma is of special importance. Traditional medicine, including Ayurveda, contributes significantly to the health status of many communities and is increasingly used within certain communities in developed countries.

Traditional medicine has a long history of use in health maintenance and in disease prevention and treatment, particularly for chronic diseases. Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that cures diseases of the root. Also, if taken judicially and under expert ayurvedic doctor guidance, it has no negative side effect.

Tridosha theory is more vast and has answers to many diseases which are unexplainable and idiopathic etiology in Allopathic Medicine. The world is moving towards Ayurveda as all bacteria are getting immune to the antibiotics and antibacterial available. In near future Researches will be going on to find new ways to deal with infections as current antibiotics will be obsolete.

Ayurveda is a futuristic science that is now being researched by the western world. Scientific studies prove the efficacy of all herbs written in our classical texts. About 240,000 American adults use Ayurvedic medicine.

It is said that the originators of the Ayurvedic system of medicine did not base their practices on the experimental method, by this, it is meant that there are no records of studies in anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology. But the development of surgery the classifications of disease, the observations on signs and symptoms, prognosis and the descriptions of the nature, toxicity and therapeutic value of drugs as described in the literature all clearly demonstrate a high level of knowledge which would not have been possible for men without the scientific approach.

One thing we should not lose sight of is the fact that the men who gave the system to the world were drawn from the highest intellectual and spiritual hierarchy. Their motive was compassion.

Their purpose to alleviate human suffering and their recorded precepts were for their disciples whom they trained for the service of humanity. Most of the herbs which are present in that available here.

The oldest and largest suppliers of Ayurvedic Medicine are present in India, the knowledge of making medicine is written in various granthas which is essentially passed from generation to generation. e treatment of all acute and Chronic Diseases are abund.

There are four basic qualities mentioned in Ayurveda for the best treatment.

1. Medicine(Aushad) 2. Patient 3. Paricharak- Compounder 4. Ayurvedic Physician.

1st The best one required for Ayurvedic treatment is “aushad” which is widely available in the Indian subcontinent. Different types of soils available in all tropical areas of India are best suited for the growth of herbs.

The environment and Climate is known for quality herb production are only limited to India. You will not find variations of 6 seasons in any other part of the globe. The Herbs grown in the Himalaya region & forest of southern India have the best phytochemicals & other medicinal qualities, which can heal the ailing patient. The best time According to the season to harvest herbs is also written in Ayurvedic texts.

2nd best thing is the processing of medicine written according to classical texts. All medicines were prepared in that era using indigenous techniques and it has been proved that these techniques are equally important to make the herbal formulas efficient and patient-friendly.

The same technique is still used in India to manufacture different Ayurvedic Formulations.

3rd & most important element required is the experienced Ayurvedic Physician which you will found here in India. Knowledge and experience of Ayurvedic physician help to understand patient medical condition & select the proper herbs and herbal formulations for the best treatment. Around 70% of India has taken Ayurvedic Medicine at some point in life.

Note: India is one of the best places in India for <strongAyurvedic treatment for Kidney Failure, Ayurvedic treatment for Diabetes, Ayurvedic treatment for Cancer. Next time we will back with a new health Blog. Thanks For Reading.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Ayurvedic Treatment for Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia

Treatment According To Ayurveda

In allopathy chemotherapy, radiation or surgery is done, in these therapies immature cells are destroyed which destroys mature cells as well. Which causes a bundle of side effects in the body like- Hair fall, indigestion, skin rashes, stress Besides these side effects reoccurrence of disease is a major fear. In the last stage, Allopathy doctors have no solution. Fear of reoccurrence cause severe depression, which further increases the formation of immature cells and the cycle go on.

Ayurvedic Treatment Is Based On Three Factors –

  • Avoid the causes of disease,
  • Take Rasayan/Immunomodulator and treatment according to doshas
  • Panchakarma (Detoxification of the body)

In Ayurveda treatment is given to increase immunity which will help mature cells to fight against cancerous cells. If we change lifestyle then the formation of immature cells will reduce or it may stop.

The ayurvedic treatment takes time of approximately 6 months – 1 year to stop the formation of immature cells.

Immunomodulator and treatment of doshas work at the DNA level.

Change in lifestyle-According to Ayurveda we should change our lifestyle.

  • Avoid junk food
  • Avoid late-night work, sleep
  • Avoid Stress
  • Do yoga daily
  • Avoid inorganic food

In ancient times people used organic food, which reduces the risk of cancer.

Earlier, Nights were for sleep and days were for work, but now due to science this has been a not at all followed.

The change in this lifestyle inorganic food, late-night work, improper meals has imbalanced the doshas.

Use organic food– Inorganic food or pesticide insecticide laden food is one of the main cause of cancer. Junk food is toxic for the body, but what about pesticides we are taking through food, these are more toxic than junk food. It lowers our immune system to fight against diseases and increases cell growth.

Treatment for ALL


In Ayurveda ras- Rasayana treatment is mentioned. It boosts one’s immunity. It helps the body to fight against immature cells & stops the uncontrolled division of cells. Many rasayanas are prescribed in Cancer

Which include-

Swarna bhasma

Heera bhasma

Mercurial Preparations

Treatment according to doshas

In Ayurveda, three disease-causing doshas are mentioned (vata, pitta, Kapha). When these doshas are imbalanced they cause diseases. According to symptoms doshas are treated. In ALL mostly tridoshas and vatapitta are imbalanced. We have to balance the doshas and make the digestive fire to work again.

Ayurvedic treatment for ALL works at the cell level. It cures diseases caused by any factors but the patient has to come at an early stage. Generally patient comes after having his hand at all Allopathy treatments & at that stage, it becomes difficult to treat sometimes, as we all know the side effect of chemo and radio are so much that the immunity of our cells is reduced to zero. So, a patient should explore all options before starting his Allopathic treatment.

Herbal Medicines

These are used according to symptoms.

  • Ashwagandha
  • Amalaki
  • Turmeric
  • Shunthi
  • Pippali
  • Mandukparni
  • Kalmegh
  • Giloy

Yoga and exercise

It helps to maintain mental and physical balance and reduces stress.


It is the best way of detoxification. In panchakarma, doshas are expelled out from the body.

Salient features

  Ayurvedic Treatment

   Allopathic Treatment

  • In Ayurveda treatment is given to make the proper function of cells.
  • Ayurvedic treatment increases immunity that helps to fight immature cells.
  • Panchakarma treatment is done for detoxification and relieves mental stress and stops reoccurrence.
  • In Ayurveda, lifestyle changes and causes are treated.
  • Reoccurrence rates are low.
  • It works at the DNA level.
  • In allopathy chemotherapy, radiations are done which destroys mature cells as well.
  • It destroys immunity with a bundle of side effects.
  • It causes toxicity in the body which further causes mental stress and fear of reoccurrence.
  • In allopathy, there is no such theory of lifestyle and causes. They even do not know the causes.
  • High reoccurrence rates are there.
  • They just kill the cells.

Please mail us your reports  info@ayurveda24.co.in or call our 24 hour helpline no. at +91 8699017567 for more details.

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