Vitex negundo
It has anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic, insecticidal and pesticidal properties due to which it is used in wide range of ailments described below.
English Name – Five-leaved chaste tree, Horseshoe vitex, Chinese chaste tree
Hindi & Bengali Name – Nirgundi, Nishinda, Samalu
Common Name(s): Nirgundi
Useful parts of Nirgundi: Leaves, roots,seeds
Classical Categorization
Energetics of Arjuna
According to Ayurveda
Rasa (taste on the tongue): Kashaya (Astringent), Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter)
Guna (Pharmacological Action): Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry)
Virya (Action): Ushna (Leaf Heating); Sheet (Fruit, Flowers, Seeds Cooling)
Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Katu (Pungent)
Effect on Dosha: Reduces Vata and Kapha Dosha but increases Pitta.
Energy: Hot
Major chemical constituents
B-sitosterol, Phenol, Dulcitol, Alkaloid-Vitricine, Camphene, a- and B- Pinenes, Artemetin, Angoside, Acunbin, Casticin, Orientin etc.
Vitex nirgundo benefits
Anthelmintic: Antiparasitic
Antiandrogenic: Androgen antagonists
Anticatarrhal: Remove excess mucous from the body
Antimicrobial: Active against microbes
Carminative: Preventing the expulsion of flatulence
Discutient: disperses a tumor
Emmenagogue: increases menstrual flow
Hepatoprotective: Prevent damage to the liver
Larvicidal: Kills mosquito larva
Muscle relaxant: Relax tension in muscle
Anti-acne: healing effect on acne
Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory
Nirgundi works to relieve pain. It helps reduce pain and inflammation of the muscles and the joints. It is very helpful in treating fractures also.
Throat disease
It treats the sourness and swelling in the throat. It is used in throat infections, tonsils and viral infections
Skin diseases
Nirgundi helps to treat several skin ailments like Vitiligo, Leucoderma and Leprosy along with.
Menstrual disorders
It treats various menstrual disorders like Amenorrhea, Menopause, Dysmenorrhea and Premenstrual Syndrome (anxiety, depression and fluid retention). It has been observed that nirgundi improves fertility levels in women.
Ear problems
It is used in diseases related to ear like ear pain, pus in ear. Put 1-2 drops of nirgundi oil in ears for instant result.
Helps in Digestion
It is a wonderful herb for digestive disorders. It increases appetite, reduce bloating and strengthens and cleanses the digestive system.
Role in Respiratory Disorders
It is Anti-asthmatic. It helps in clearing the congestion in the respiratory tract by removing phlegm.
Liver disorders
It is used in liver disorders like liver enlargement, cirrhosis of liver and loss of appetite.
Nirgundi cures indigestion, brings down temperature, and is particularly recommended in typhoid fever. In treatment of typhoid fever it is used with sanjeevani vati.
Pain killer
It has anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic property. So it is used in all types of arthritis, back pain, ankylosing spondylitis, muscular spasm etc.
It is used in the treatment of Eye Diseases, Biliousness, Intestinal Worms, and Nervous Disorders.
It is safe to use in children and during lactation.
Consult your doctor for advice to use in pregnancy.
1 capsule twice a day after meals for arthritis patients
Why Ayurveda24 Nirgundi?
Concentrated with 500 mg extract of Nirgundi
More Potent
Organic product
Less dosage – one capsule a day will be sufficient.
We will soon witness the day where Modern Medicine and Herbs (opposite fields of medicine) will work together for the Treatment and Benefit of the human.