Herbs for Heart Arjuna

Arjuna | Dietary food supplement

Herbs For Heart Arjuna

English Name – Arjun Tree, Arjunolic Myrobalan Hindi & Bengali Name – Arjun Common Name(s): Arjuna Useful parts of Arjuna: Bark   Classical Categorization Charaka Udarda prashamana – group of herbs that are used in allergic skin conditions and ring worm infestation Kashaya Skandha – astringent tasting group of herbs.

Energetics of Arjuna

According to Ayurveda

Rasa (taste) – Kashaya (astringent)
Guna (qualities) – Rooksha (dryness), Laghu (lightness)
Vipaka– Katu – Undergoes pungent taste conversion after digestion.
Veerya – Sheeta – cold potency Prabhava – special effect – Hrudya – cardiac tonic
Effect on TridoshaBalances Kapha (supports clear mucus passages) and Pitta (cooling), but also good for Vata Energy: Cooling
Major chemical constituents Bark:  calcium and magnesium salts, flavonoids. Terminalia alata- Gum, Arjunic, & Arjunolic acids, Arjunetin, Betulinic, and ellagic acid, tannins, etc.

Terminalia arjuna Benefits

Stambhana– Because of its Kashaya rasa – astringent taste, it acts as Stambhana, useful in bleeding disorders, it heals fracture and wounds quickly. Because of its astringent and styptic properties, it is also used in pus in urine, UTI, in tooth powders(bleeding gums), and dysentery.

PittaKapha Vrana – useful to relieve ulcers and wounds due to Pitta and Kapha imbalance

Medohara – reduces fat and cholesterol levels which help in efficient heart functioning.

Mehahara – useful in urinary tract disorders and diabetes

Hrudroga – useful in cardiac disorder, it helps to strengthen heart muscles & is coated in best herbs for the heart. Bhagna – quickly heals fracture Kshata – useful in chest injuries Kshayahara – useful in chronic respiratory disorders, tuberculosis Shramahara – Relieves tiredness, fatigue Trushnahara – Relieves thirst Asrajit – useful in bleeding disorders


Antimicrobial Anti-inflammatory Antioxidant Hepatoprotection Cancer

Research shows growth inhibition and cytotoxic effects are apparent in cancer cells. (Clear), with concentration-dependent apoptosis and cell necrosis as the proposed mechanisms. Cardiovascular System Arjuna decreases LDL levels and is also an excellent antioxidant. Hence, useful in high cholesterol.

Respiratory System·

Excretory System

Skin  –  Well known for the treatment of acne.

Arjuna also Herbs For Heart contributes towards sexual health. The decoction Arjuna helps to relieve Spermatorrhea. It is also effective in relieving excessive menstrual bleeding and leucorrhea.   Research Recently, researchers have found that Arjuna supports the muscle tone of the heart, therefore supporting healthy blood flow through the heart. Arjuna also promotes a stronger contraction of the heart muscle, allowing the heart to function efficiently. Research also proves arjuna as one of the best herbs for the heart.

Arjuna is loaded with a group of heart-healthy polyphenols and flavonoids such as arjunone and arjunolone that classify it as a cardio-tonic. Cardio Depressant Activity Use in chronic stable angina Antibacterial and antifungal activity. Potentiation of the anticoagulant effect of warfarin and other anticoagulants might be expected because T. arjuna bark extract exhibits antiplatelet and anticoagulant action similar to that of aspirin. This concludes arjuna as one of the best herbs for heart disorders. Arjuna along with Guggul can be considered as one of the best herbs for heart ailments.

Caution Because it can lower blood pressure and blood sugar levels, people on medication for BP and diabetes need to take precautions to avoid over-dosing.  It is safe to use in children and during lactation. Consult your doctor for advice to use in pregnancy.

Why Ayurveda24 Arjuna? Concentrated with 750 mg extract of Arjuna. MORE POTENT Organic product Less dosage – one capsule a day will be sufficient.   We will soon witness the day where Modern Medicine and Herbs (opposite fields of medicine) will work together for the Treatment and Benefit of the human. Finally, Arjuna is one of the best herbs for heart muscles will keep your heart healthier through Herbs For Heart. CARE FOR YOUR HEART CALL US FOR FREE CONSULTATION WE PUT LIFE INTO LIFE

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