


Tinospora cardiflora

English Name:

Sanskrit Name: Amrita literally means heaven herb which can make you diseases free.

Part used- Stem extract 750 mg

Chemical Composition

tinosporaside, choline, Columbin, jatrorhizine, palmatine, berberine, tembeterine, tinocordifolioside, tinosporic acid, tinosporal, tinosporon & phenylpropene disaccharides have been found from Tinospora cordifolia.

Guna According to Ayurvedic Terminologies

Guna (qualities) – Laghu – light to digest, Rooksha – dryness
Rasa (taste) – bitter & Astringent
Vipaka– Madhura – sweet
Veerya – Ushna – Hot potency

Therapeutic effect/prabhava is Rejuvenative, Immunomodulator, and Adaptogen

Guduchi is an ayurvedic herb used for various diseases and also different herbs for heart, Herbs for knee pain, & is said to be the most divine herb.

Giloy Benefits-

Liver disorders

It has hepatoprotective property. It modulates liver function.

It is used in fatty liver and prevents scarring of the liver (fibrosis)

It stimulates the regeneration of damaged liver tissue.

It can detoxify the liver so it is used in jaundice and hepatitis.

It can be taken with caps. Livcure forte DS/ aarogyavardhani vati for better results.

Anti Cancerous Property

It has tumor-fighting properties. It boosts the immune system to fight off these cancer cells.  It has the ability to activate white blood cells, the body’s immunity fighters.

It can be taken with Turmeric, Ashwangdha, Satavari for better results.

Controls Diabetes-

It has anti-diabetic property. Ayurvedic treatment for diabetes reduces the symptoms associated with diabetes like nerve damage linked to diabetes (diabetic neuropathy) and digestive or stomach problems (gastropathy).  It improves glucose metabolism as well as glucose tolerance.

It can be taken with Madhusam powder

 The effect of Tinospora Cordifolia/giloy is on AMA (Toxins formed in the body due to ill digestion or malabsorption). It reduces AMA and helps in all types of diseases in which AMA is associated. It is very suitable for almost every person with every type of body type/Prakriti or with any disease due to its immunomodulator, rejuvenative and adaptogenic action. According to Ayurveda, it increases the diminished DHATU/dosha and reduces the increased or vitiated Dosha or Dhatu, so it brings a balance of three Dosha in the body and helps to prevent or curing all types of diseases especially auto-immune diseases.

Fever & Infections

Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia) is beneficial in all types of fever and infections including viral and bacterial infections. It reduces the intensity/span of fever and duration of infection. It also helps to maintain the physical and mental strength of the patient and prevents fever-associated doubt it also increases your immunity to fight infections. No need to take antibiotics, I Viral infections, just take Giloy capsule. It is surely very beneficial in the following symptoms associated with fever or recurrent infections.

It can be taken with Feverex & Sudarshan Ghan Vati capsule.

Skin disorders-

It is widely used in skin diseases. It is used in symptoms like-

It can be taken with a Skincare tablet, Turmeric

Gout and Rheumatoid arthritis-

It is widely used in arthritis. It reduces uric acid formation acting on ama (toxins) and the main effect of Guduchi is on AMA (Toxins formed in the body due to malabsorption and ill digestion). It reduces AMA and helps in all types of diseases in which AMA is associated. It is suitable for every person with every type of body type or with any disease due to its immunomodulator, rejuvenative and adaptogenic action. It brings a balance of three doshas in the body. Giloy is one of the best herbs for auto-immune disorders like Rheumatoid Arthritis.


It has anti-inflammatory and anti- oxidant action. It has analgesic properties as well. It reduces inflammation and pain in upper abdomen in chronic pancreatitis. As it is a removes ama(toxins) from the body so in chronic pancreatitis it reduces the steatorrhoes(Oily and smelly stool). Steatorrhea indicates ama in body, Guduchi reduces ama and clears steatorrhea.

It inhibits the pancreatic enzyme (pancreatic amylase).It inhibits the activation of pancreatic enzyme within the pancreas which is main cause of pancreatitis. Therefore it prevents and reduces irritation due to enzyme within pancreas.

For Pancreatitis it should be taken along with Pitta Pacifying and Stomach care capsules.

FOR AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES                                               

Giloy comes under the best herbs for auto-immune diseases. All auto-immune diseases like rheumatism, psoriasis, Lichen planus, hypothyroidism, etc. are taken care off with giloy only. It is one of the best immune-modulator herbs which can correct auto-immune responses of the body.

Doses- Two to three gm twice a day with warm water empty stomach.

Why Ayurveda24 Giloy?

Free from sugar, artificial colors, artificial flavors, preservatives.

750 mg standardized extract of Tinospora

Others have 250 mg /500 mg powders or extracts.

More potent – concentrated extracts used.

The cost of the raw herb is less than 1/10 the price of extract which we use in our capsules.

The raw herb is gathered from the green & pollution free air of Himalayas, South India –Kerala & Madhya Pradesh.

No preservatives or chemicals added.

The specialized method adopted to make extracts so that the herb does not lose its working element and ‘Guna’.



Price in INR

Price in USD

100 gms. Powder



200 gms. Powder



500 gms powder



60 caps(750 mg. Extract)1 Pack



2 packs (120 caps)



5 packs(300 caps)



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